This Subject contains entirely the most basic components of Electronics and its analogy. The subject when looked over looks difficult to understand, but here the concepts will be explained in daily life applications. This is a place for all those who like to read and understand rather than watching videos. Happy Reading! Remember electronics is the mother of the 21st Century.
1. Semiconductor Diodes
- Introduction to Semiconductor Diodes
- Resistance Levels
- Diode Equivalent Circuits
- Transition and Diffusion Capacitance
- Effect of temperature
- Avalanche Breakdown
2. Diode Applications
- Load Line Analysis
- Series Diode Configurations
- Parallel Diode Configurations
- Half-wave Rectification
- Full-wave Rectification
- Center-Tapped Transformer
- Clippers
- Clampers
- Voltage-Multiplier-Circuits
- Practical Applications of a Diode
3. Bipolar Junction Transistor
- Transistor Construction
- Transistor Operation
- Common-Base Configuration
- Common-Emitter Configuration
- Common-Collector Configuration
- Limits of Operation
4. DC Biasing of BJT’s
- Operating Point
- Fixed-Bias Circuit
- Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
- Voltage-Divider Bias
- Transistor Switching Networks
- Bias Stabilization (Fixed Bias, Emitter-Bias and Voltage-Divider Bias)
5. Field Effect Transistors
- Construction and Characteristics of JFETs
- Transfer Characteristics
- Depletion-Type MOSFET
- Enhancement-Type MOSFET
6. Field Effect Transistors Biasing
- Fixed-Bias Configuration
- Self-Bias Configurations
- Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration (both n- and p channel)
- Enhancement-Type MOSFETs – Feedback Biasing Arrangement
- Enhancement-Type MOSFETs – Voltage –Divider Biasing Arrangement
7. Operational Amplifiers
8. Feedback and Oscillator Circuits
- Feedback Concepts
- Feedback Amplifier-Phase and Frequency Considerations
- Oscillator Operation
9. Two Terminal Devices
- Photodiodes
- Photoconductive Cells
- IR Emitters
- Liquid Crystal Displays
- Solar Cells
- Thermistors
- Silicon- Controlled Rectifier (SCR)