Alternating Current
- Keeps changing its polarity with time
- Available in our houses through Wall sockets
- Used for long range transmission
Direct Current
- Constant flow of current in one direction. Polarity remains the same
- Batteries, Solar Cells etc are sources of DC
- Avoided for long range transmission

Is it harmful?
AC is more harmful as the Current and Voltage values are higher in nature. DC is usually safe as the batteries that we use are of very low voltage and current.

An electric shock is caused by a current, and not voltage. Current is the flow of charges that move from higher potential to lower potential point (See the image below). These charges flow through the body when a person comes into contact with an electrical energy source. The voltage, however, is equally important as it determines the magnitude of the current. This can be understood through Ohm’s law which clearly states that voltage and current are directly proportional to each other, I=V/R

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