Web Computing is a web based system that provides access to a software system using a computer and internet connection. Basically, it is the way how we can access the internet and the data available online in the 21st Century.
We will be learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This entire article is simplified for kids. As we simplified a lot of hardware codes, somewhere down the line we needed HTML for having a web server in IOT technology and hence we needed HTML.

Do not worry if you do not understand all of it. Let’s begin with the course :
- Creating Your First Web Page using HTML
- Reading more basic HTML tags
- In Depth with the <head>, <title> and <style> tags
- How to link 2 web pages in HTML?
- How to create a List in HTML?
- Organizing Data in a Table
- Classifying Block and Inline Elements
- Getting hands on with beautiful CSS
- Creating Layouts
- Things to keep in mind while designing a Website
- Basic Template for a Website
- More Advanced Formatting in HTML
Here are some activities you could practice after learning HTML. These activities are listed down in the above topics in relation to the topic. If you want to learning with hands-on activities, this is the right place.
Activity List
- Creating Basic HTML Structure
- My Favorite Sportsperson
- My Photo Gallery
- A School Registration Form
- Personal Profile
- Music Player Interface
- Basic Home Page Layout for Kids
- Video Player