Learn to generate PWM signals with the ESP32 using Arduino IDE. This tutorial explains two different methods: using analogWrite and using the LED
How to use Bluetooth on the ESP32 ?
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
The ESP32 comes in-built WiFi, Bluetooth and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). We will generally use more of WiFi with ESP32 but the Bl
How to Read Analog Signals with the ESP32?
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
Analog Signals are signals that change in nature with time. Unlike digital signals they have many states, and can be used to cont
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) with the ESP32
Posted on by Rolan Gaspar Pereira
Pulse Width Modulation or PWM is a technique that is used to create an analog like signal with the help of digital signals. The O